Save, Restore, Manage your Desktop Icon positions

I’ve found a solution to the situation here. An application called IconRestorer is specially designed to overcome this problem of arranging man desktop icons, in one standard layout, with a single click. Imagine searching for a file or a shortcut on the desktop shown below! IconRestorer is a simple application that lets you set desktop icons at places you want. So irrespective of other people using your PC and shifting your desktop icons from one place to another, you will be able to get back to your original layout, by just clicking a button. Simple as that! IconRestorer does two things, basically:

Saving desktop layoutRestoring last saved layout

Setting Layout

Once you have set the desktop layout, the way you want it, click the button saying “Save Current Desktop Layout” and this will save the location of desktop icons and makes it a standard one. You can always change the location of files and folders; there is no restriction on that.

Restoring last saved layout

Click the “Restoring last saved layout” button to get back your preferred structure right away.  Things don’t end here, there are options available under the “Option1” and “Option2” tab that can be configured to get a better user experience.

If you have “Desktop-auto-rearrange” option enabled then this application is not likely to give proper results. So you need to disable Desktop-auto-rearrange by right-clicking the mouse and then navigating to View and then un-checking Auto arrange icons.

If this looks interesting to you can head over to the IconRestorer download page here.

How do I restore my desktop icon positions?

Although there is no in-built option to restore or save desktop icon positions, you can use third-party software to get the job done. For example, you can use IconRestorer. It is freeware, and you can download it for Windows 11, Windows 10, and some other older versions.

How do I save and restore desktop icon layout?

To save and restore the desktop icon layout on Windows 11/10, you can use the IconRestorer app. It is lightweight freeware, which does the job pretty well. It is possible to save, restore, and manage your Desktop icon positions. Whether you have ten or fifty icons on your Desktop, you can save the layout easily. Related reads: You might want to also check out DesktopOK.