Now, the iTunes app on Windows 11/10 does have its share of problems despite being a mature tool. Fixing some of these problems can be a major headache if you have no idea what you’re doing. This is why we recommend using TunesPal to solve your problems.
Why use TunesPal to fix iTunes on Windows 11?
When it comes down to fixing a problem with any app on Windows 11/10, it usually requires a lot of effort, though it depends on the nature of the problem. With the TunesPal tool, you only need to click a few buttons, and that’s it. Your issues with iTunes are fixed rather quickly compared to the manual effort you will need to take to fix iTunes errors. It’s a perfect tool for those not well-versed in the technicality of iTunes and Windows errors.
What type of errors can TunesPal fix in iTunes?
According to the developers, this tool can fix over 200 iTunes related errors.
Installation/Download ErrorsUpdate ErrorsConnection ErrorsBackup ErrorsRestore ErrorsSync/CDB ErrorsAnd More…
Repair and clean iTunes with TunesPal for Windows PC
TunesPal will repair 200+ types of iTunes errors and related issues and clean up iTunes for duplicate songs and useless data. When it comes down to using TunesPal, the task is quite simple, so keep reading to learn more about all you need to know.
1] Download and install TunesPal
The first thing you want to do here is download and install the TunesPal app on your computer. Visit the official page at iToolLab and download the app from there. It’s free. Therefore, you have little to worry about here.
2] Open TunesPal after installation
After you’ve installed the app on your computer, it’s time to open it. You can look to your desktop for the related icon or press the Windows key > All Apps, then search for TunesPal and open it.
3] Choose the iTunes Repair button
OK, so if you want to fix over 200 errors, you’ll be required to select the iTunes Repair option. From there, hit the Fix button at the bottom, and right away, the tool will attempt to locate issues and fix them automatically. Be sure the iTunes app is closed before going down this route. After completing the task, you can go ahead and check if everything is working as it should.
4] Clear logs, backups, and more with iTunes Cleaner
For those who want to clean their iTunes application of backups, logs, downloaded firmware, etc., then you will want to select iTunes Cleaner. Before doing so, please ensure iTunes is closed, then take the plunge. Wait a short while for TunesPal to get the job done, and that’s it.
How to repair iTunes on Windows 11 without TunesPal
Open the Settings app, then navigate to Apps > Apps & Features. From there, scroll down until you’ve come across iTunes, then select the three-dotted button next to it. Once you’ve done that, click on Modify. When a new window appears, select Repair > Next, and wait for the tool to perform repair actions. Read: Apple iCloud.exe not opening, syncing, or working in Windows.