But the problem will start if you have folders inside the sub-folders. You will have to consume a lot of time to rename all those folders. Although Windows is capable of renaming multiple files and folders at once, you will face a problem in the situation above. To solve this problem here is a tool called ContextReplace. As the name describes, you will be able to replace multiple file or folder names from the context menu itself. It doesn’t matter how many files or folders you have in a subfolder or folder – the tool can rename all those files/folders at once. And the best part is you do not even have to open the folder!

Rename multiple files or folders via context menu

ContextReplace is not a portable tool, which implies that you have to install it. Although the download page has not mentioned anything about the compatibility, it seems you will need Windows 10/8/7 to install ContextReplace on your computer. At the same time, you must have .NET 2.0 installed on your PC. Therefore, download and install ContextReplace on your computer. After installing, you can find a After installing this free software, you will a Replace option in your right-click context menu. Whenever you need to rename any file or folder, you have to select this option. After opting for it, you will get a window like this, After opting for it, you will get a window like this,

Here, you can find plenty of options like Case-sensitive, Full Words only, Regular Expression, Skip hidden files, Include subfolders, Replace in file names, Replace in contents and Skip system files. Now suppose, a folder has ten subfolders, and out of that, three subfolders are hidden. Now, if you want to rename those hidden folders along with visible folders, you need to remove the tick right from the Skip hidden files. Obviously, you need to rename all subfolders. If yes, then let the Include subfolders option as it is. Sometimes, you may have to rename only folder names and not file names. At such time, remove the tick. Sometimes, you may have to rename only folder names and not file names. At such time, remove the tick from Replace in file names. It is quite risky to rename system files. Therefore, make sure you have a tick in the checkbox labeled It is quite risky to rename system files. Therefore, make sure you have a tick in the checkbox labeled Skip system files.

The very first empty boxes are the places, where you have to write your old and new names. Write down the old name in the first empty box and write down the desired name in the second box. Finally, click on Replace button to get things done. That’s it! The files and folders will be renamed.

ContextReplace free download

If you like this tool, you can download ContextReplace from here. More free File Renamer software here. TIP: This post will show you how to batch rename files extensions.