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Reimage Repair Review

You can download this tool from its official download page. The installation is pretty routine and straightforward. Once installed, you will have to run it. The tool will automatically scan your computer and bring out relevant faults, viruses, malware, and issues that are needed to be fixed. The entire scan takes a bit long but ensures complete coverage and safety. The scan results are very comprehensive, and you can make out which part of your computer is causing hindrance in performance. Here are the areas or the things that are diagnosed during the process: 1] System Configuration and Hardware: Reimage scans your entire computer and then display the system configuration followed by the hard drive status. It shows you the available space and total space on computer’s hard drive and also the average space that must be available on a computer. Next, comes the Hardware Analysis Summary, which evaluates the processing speed, hard drive speed and the temperature of the CPU. If anything is found problematic, it is notified to you right away.

2] PC Stability: Reimage Repair scans your computer for any stability issues. It utilizes the Windows Event Log to know which applications have crashed the most and are causing stability problems on your computer. Such applications are categorized into Built-in Windows Applications and Third Party Applications and then displayed in the analysis report. The PC Stability scan will analyze the crash reports for the last four months. 3] PC Security: This is the most important area that needs to be thoroughly scanned for issues. Using the Avira AntiVir engine, Reimage Repair will perform a preliminary scan and list out the malicious files which can cause problems. And once you start the repairing process, the software will again scan thoroughly for any malicious files and then delete them accordingly.

4] Registry Scan: Reimage Repair scans registry entries and then identify any defective entries, invalid data or incomplete registry keys. The tool will also display a detailed and categorized results which will tell you the number of errors in SharedDLLs, Installer Reference, Startup, and HelpFiles. Registry scan will ensure proper, safe and an organized registry.

6] Temporary Folders Scan: The application will scan for temporary & junk files that are no longer in use and will also list out them to you. It will also evaluate the disk size that has been occupied by the temporary files and which can be cleared off. At the end of the analysis report, a complete PC summary is generated, which will give you an overall idea about your computer by listing the number of issues in Stability, Security, Registry, Junk Files and then ranking the severity of each of them between Low and High. Finally, Windows Damage Severity will judge the overall damage caused to the operating system till now.

After going through the scan results, it is time to start repairing the issues. You need to simply hit the ‘Start Repair’ button, and your job is done. Reimage will fix the issues that are found in preliminary scans and would also perform another thorough scan to take out more issues and fix them. This software is not free. While the tool scans your computer for free, to be able to repair or fix your computer, you will have to pay and unlock it. They offer a 60-day money back guarantee. The entire Fixing process involved five steps:

Clear Faulty Files: All the corrupt and non-legitimate files will be deleted, and the disk space would be cleared.Install Fresh Files: New files would be downloaded and will be replaced with those old damaged files.Repair Damage: Any damage made to the computer will be reverted, and issues such as viruses and malware will also be fixed.Stability Check: A stability check will be performed again to ensure proper stability.Security Check: The most important, security check will also be performed again to ensure up to the mark security of your computer.

I deliberately installed Reimage Repair on my older PC, which had a lot of problems. And after completing the entire fixing process, I was able to notice a considerable increase in speed and few issues too got automatically fixed. The results were surprising, and the computer was working fast again as before. The fixing process takes a lot of time, an hour or so but it is worth the wait. You need to reboot your computer so that the locked files can be replaced and you can notice the change. If you wish to uninstall Reimage Repair, you can do it easily via Control Panel > Programs & Features > Uninstall a program.

How does Reimage Repair fix Windows?

This was the question that came to my mind while I was using this tool, so I decided to include it in this post. Firstly, Reimage will scan for faulty files and other ‘fixable’ errors. Then it will remove all the corrupt and error-causing files and replace them with new healthy files from a continuously updated online database. The online database contains over 25,000,000 healthy original files that are downloaded by Reimage Repair to fix issues with your computer. Reimage has filed an application to patent this technology: To know more about the working of the tool, you can click the small round Settings icon in its UI, and you will be redirected to a web page telling you about the background processes occurring during the entire process. Other details you may want to know: You can download Reimage from its official download page. Overall, Reimage Repair is a great all-in-one package with a huge set of features. It can fix your computer and improve performance as well as speed. It not only fixes issues for you but also tells what the issues are and what their consequences are. The UI of the tool is great and intuitive, and it does not involve any complex configurative steps. Now you don’t have to be a geek to repair your computer. Reimage Support If you need help, support or have any questions, you can always go here.