Open Live Writer for Windows PC

Downloading this software is easier than ever. In the past, if downloading Windows Live Writer from the Microsoft website, users had to download a separate software before being given the option to reel in Live Writer. With this new set-up, just visit the new website and download it. The size is just over 5MB, so it is small enough for what it is capable of doing. The first thing you’ll notice after launching Open Live Writer is the software asking you to add a blog account. Now, this can either be WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Moveable Type, DasBlog, and others. You’ll see a list so just choose your preferred blogging platform and get things going. For WordPress, you’ll need to gain access by using the same information used to login to your blog. Once that is done, you’ll be brought to the editing area. For those who have used Windows Live Writer over the years, you’ll be happy to know that Open Live Writer looks the same here. The developers have yet to place their stamp on the software, but we’re assuming this will change in the coming months as more contributors enter the fray. The great thing about Open Live Writer is the fact that users can use it to write articles or whatever else, and throw it over to their blog. Let’s face it, no one wants to write anything via his or her built-in blog editor. Software such as this is more powerful and gives more options to customize the look and feel of their work. Users should notice how Open Live Writer looks very similar to Microsoft Word in some instances of the user interface. At the top, users can choose the type of paragraph, heading, and font. It is possible to add images and videos anywhere within a post. Now, bear in mind that anything added from here will be uploaded to your blog once the “Publish” or “Post draft to blog” buttons are pressed. We recommend posting a draft because depending on the theme you’re using, Open Live Writer might not support some features. So, post as a draft then finishes editing from your blog’s editor. Let’s dig into the settings for a bit to see what is inside. To get to the configuration, click on “File” then “Options.” From here users can change how Open Live Writer works. Users can decide whether or not to view a post before it is published, automatically replace straight quotes with smart quotes among other things. Users can even go here to add plugins, but there are none available right now. Overall, Open Live Writer is a solid product. If you’ve used Windows Live Writer, then there’s not a single learning curve. However, we hope the open-source developers add their own twist to the software along with updating the design. It looks familiar, but familiar is old and out of touch with what folks want today. Download Open Live Writer free from Open Live Writer is now available in the Windows Store as a Trusted app.

Open Live Writer is now available in the Microsoft Store

In an attempt to replicate the experience of  Live Writer as a Windows Store Trusted app for Windows 10, Microsoft has made available Open Live Writer as a free download on the Windows Store. The tool is essentially a word processor for bloggers that works with most of the popular blog services like WordPress, Blogger, TypePad and more. Windows Live Writer was rechristened as Open Live Writer and made available as an Open Source software. The lightweight editor allows you to create blog posts, add photos and videos and publish them to your website. You can also compose blogs posts offline and then publish on your return. Live Writer works equally well in offline mode. Visit the Windows Store to download this app. Once you have the app installed, select the blogging platform you are using and enter the remote posting web address for your blog.

Once done, the connection will be authenticated, and you would be good to go. The experience is reminiscent of the times when Microsoft first released the desktop app many years ago as Windows Live Writer. The tool had made the blogging experience for many users, a breeze. It was then, one of the most popular and easy-to-use offline methods to create blog posts. The revamped version of Live Writer contains two major new features:

That said, at a given time, only one language can be spellchecked in Write. If required, you can change the default language of the Writer by navigating to File menu, selecting ‘Options’ from the list displayed and then, choosing a new dictionary language. Google Blogger categories automatically populate for easy tagging of your blog posts. Apart from the above two features, the latest release features many other Google Blogger bug fixes and blemishes. The most notable being time zone settings. Also, now customers do not have to manually download and install a new version, every time an update is released. Users, at all time can stay visually connected to a Windows 10 app through Live Tiles and Notifications. The first hint about Live Writer app was dropped during Microsoft’s Ignite 2016 conference in Atlanta when the popular face of the company Scott Hanselman made the announcement. If you are a blogger, you definitely want to get it from the Windows Store.

What are the alternatives to Open Live Writer?


Make sure WordPress has XMLRC enabled to use any of these writer, else you will not be able to connect to the website, and post.