Mouse without Borders tool for PC

Mouse Without Borders is a very useful tool from The Garage that allows you to reach across your PC’s as if they were part of one single desktop. For those who don’t know, The Garage is located at Building 4 at Microsoft’s Redmond HQ, where Microsoft’s developers and employees are encouraged to tinker about with their ideas and to incubate personal pet projects of its employees. Garage projects are side projects that Microsoft employees like Truong build for fun on their nights and weekends. Developed by Truong Do who works by day for Microsoft Dynamics, and at The Garage in the evenings, the software is easy to set up and in addition to all mentioned above, as a bonus it even allows you to customize your Windows logo screen with the daily image from Bing or a local collection of pictures. Features: The installation is easy as goes as follows:

After you click Finish, the following dialog box will open.

Toward the end, it will ask you if you have already installed it on the other PC. If you say No, it will give you a Security Code that you will be required to use when you install it on your other computer/s.

If you click Yes, then you will be required to enter this code which you may have received on your other PC, here.

After this, you continue to configure the Settings.

Mouse Without Borders works on up to 4 PCs. You can download it from Microsoft. TIP: Input Director allows you to control multiple Windows systems with the keyboard/mouse attached to one of the computers..