Make your window minimize & maximize in slow motion

To do this, open regedit and navigate to the following key: Now in the right panel, right-click > select New > D-Word. Name it AnimationsShiftKey. Its default value is 0. Give it a value of 1. Restart. Now hold the Shift key down, when you are minimizing or maximizing any of your windows. You will see the animation in slow motion. Of course, if you don’t hold down the Shift key, the windows will minimize or maximize as usual. This was originally introduced for carrying out the demo and debugging work, but it’s a nice trick you can enjoy once in a while. To undo the changes, change the value back to 0 or simply delete the AnimationsShiftKey. I tried this and found that it works in Windows 8.1 – and it should work on Windows 10 too. The animation is pretty interesting to watch!