The following is the extract of the mail: Q. What is the expected timeline for the availability of Windows 7? A. We are currently in the planning stages for Windows 7 and expect it will take approximately 3 years to develop. The specific release date will be determined once the company meets its quality bar for release. Q. Has Windows 7 been released to manufacturing? A. We’re continuing to work with our partners on the development of Windows 7, and are not sharing any additional information at this time. Q. Is the schedule for Windows 7 being moved up due to poor Windows Vista sales? A. We’re not sharing additional information on Windows 7 at this time. However, we’re confident that many organizations are recognizing the value in Windows Vista. Of note, sales of Windows Vista licenses have now passed 100 million. In addition, Windows Vista is being adopted by businesses at a rate that is similar to past releases. In the business market there are early, mainstream and late adopters, with the majority of businesses falling into the category of mainstream. We’re seeing positive indicators that we’re already starting to move from the early adoption phase into the mainstream, and that more and more businesses are beginning their planning and deployment of Windows Vista. While the answers to the latter 2 questions may have been on predictable lines, what is important to note that Microsoft TODAY maintains that Windows 7 is STILL in the planning stages and it will take approximately 3 (more) years to develop. Windows has always drawn speculation; probably because it is so intrinsic to everything that we do with computers. Windows 7 was originally time-lined 2011, later reports put it at 2010; and now 2009 ! All this smoke of Windows 7, being released next year, may have led to confusion in the minds of the Windows Vista user. Did he make a mistake in upgrading? Or should he have waited? Microsoft feels that there is STILL a lot of innovation and value that needs to flow to the customers, from Vista. And should one put off plans to upgrade from XP … and wait for Windows 7, instead ? Resist the temptation to do so! It too will have its share of problems which any 1st year OS is expected to ! Instead focus on moving forward with Vista, if you plan to upgrade from XP. The best time to do so, if you ask me, would be immediately after the final release of Vista SP1.

Time To Move On !

Jan 18th, 2008. XP is like an old shoe, worn-in, cozy, comfortable, which no one wants to discard … yet ! Over a period of time, (what 6 years?), its been patched, patched and patched to make it what it is today ! Dependable !! Vista today is just like XP was 6 years ago. People are whining and and saying that Vista is the worst thing that has happened ! XP, they say, is the ideal and does almost everything perfectly. And Vista, like a new shoe is biting some. Biting hard enough to even, to start a Save XP campaign! Then there are others ! Waiting for the future … for Windows 7…for ‘that’ perfect OS ! There is now talk of it being released in even 2009 H2 ! Don’t think its possible; nor would Microsoft like to rush into ‘it’ … again ! The official timeline is 2010. None of us can be really sure, now.