Fix Microsoft Edge not displaying web pages or text correctly

If Microsoft Edge is not displaying web pages or text correctly on your computer, the following solutions may help you get rid of the problem: Let’s see all these fixes in detail.

1] Run SFC and DISM scans

If Windows System Image gets corrupted, you may experience several issues like this one. Therefore, we suggest you run the SFC scan and check if it fixes the problem. When you run the SFC (System File Checker) tool on your system, your entire system is scanned for corrupted system image files. If the tool finds any corrupted system image file, it repairs it (if possible). The DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) tool is used to repair damaged or corrupted system image files. You can run a DISM scan if the SFC tool fails to repair the Windows System Image files.

2] Disable Hardware Acceleration in Edge

Microsoft Edge Hardware Acceleration is a technology that helps improve your browser’s performance. Sometimes, it can cause issues on Microsoft Edge. Check if the problem that you are currently facing is caused due to Hardware Acceleration or not. The steps to do so are as follows:

If the problem disappears after restarting the Edge, the hardware acceleration feature was the culprit. Hence, do not turn it on again.

3] Turn on the ClearType setting

ClearType is a feature in Windows OS that makes the text on the screen sharper, clearer, and easier to read. Check if the feature is turned on or not. The steps to do that are as follows:

After turning on the ClearType feature, the issue should get fixed. If not, try the next solutions. Read: Fix Microsoft Edge is showing blank white screen

4] Tweak the Performance Options setting

Another effective solution is to tweak the Performance Options setting in Windows. The steps to do that are as follows:

 5] Check for Windows Update

Check whether a Windows Update is available for your system or not. Keeping your system up to date is recommended by Microsoft as it not only adds the latest features to your system but also installs the latest security patches. Moreover, the Windows Update also fixes bugs. If the update is available, download and install it.

6] Check if you have selected the correct display resolution

Problems might happen if you have selected the incorrect display resolution for your computer screen. To check this, follow the steps below:

If the Display Resolution drop-down is not set to the recommended screen resolution, set it to the Recommended. If this does not fix the problem, adjust your screen resolution and see which one helps you fix the problem.

Sometimes, the web browsers can’t display the web pages correctly due to the corrupted cache and cookie data. If this is the case with you, deleting the cache and cookie data on Microsoft Edge may fix the problem. The option to clear cache and cookie data on Edge is available in Edge Settings. Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl + Shift + Del shortcut to launch the Clear browsing data window in Edge.

8] Reset Microsoft Edge

If the problem still persists, you have to reset your Edge browser. The option to reset Edge is available in Windows 10 Settings. But in Windows 11 Settings, you will not find an option to reset Microsoft Edge. Hence, you can repair Edge on Windows 11. After resetting Edge on Windows 10 and repairing Edge on Windows 11, the issue should get fixed.

Why is a web page not displaying properly?

The most common cause of this problem is the corrupted site cache and cookie data. Clearing your web browser’s cache and cookie data can fix this problem. If this does not work, try clearing your browsing history. If the issue still persists, you can try the following things:

If you are a Google Chrome user, reset it to default.If you are a Firefox user, refresh Firefox.If you use Microsoft Edge for browsing the internet, reset or repair it.

How do I fix Edge browser problems?

If Microsoft Edge is not working properly, first, restart your system and check if it fixes the problem. If not, try the following solutions: Hope this helps.