Auto-Advance feature in Gmail

Imagine, you are taken to the next email automatically when you delete/archive an email. This is what the Auto-Advance feature in Gmail does exactly. It takes you to the next email automatically and saves you time in opening every email manually. This is a great feature hidden in Gmail that a few use to go through their mails. Let’s see how we can use it and save our time.

Make Gmail open next email automatically

To get started, open your Gmail account and click on the Gear icon, on the top-right of the window, to open Gmail settings.

Now, click on See all settings from the drop-down menu that you see after clicking on the gear icon.

It will take you to the Gmail Settings page. Select the Advanced tab and check the radio-button beside Auto-advance in the settings.

Scroll down and save the changes to enable the auto-advance feature.

You have now enabled the auto-advance feature in Gmail successfully. You can also choose how the auto-advance feature works for you. You can select to go to the next or previous conversation in your inbox or go back to the thread list after archiving or deleting an email. To select, the functioning of the auto-advance feature, go to Settings of you Gmail account and select the General tab. You can see a new Auto-advance section in the General tab. Check the radio button beside the option to choose how auto-advance behaves.

After choosing the behavior of the auto-advance feature, scroll down in the settings page and click on Save Changes. The auto-advance feature is available in Gmail for a long time. The great feature has been the least popular one that went unnoticed by many. We hope, this helps you save time in sorting your emails out.