Make Chrome work better with Touchscreen devices

Oen Google Chrome browser and visit this URL: chrome://flags Look up for Touch UI Layout in the search box on the top portion of the page. Then, toggle the appropriate entry to Enabled. Restart Google Chrome for the changes to take effect. This will enable the touch-friendly User Experience on Google Chrome.

Difference between Touch Friendly Mode & Default Mode

The difference between the Touch Friendly Mode and the Default Mode on Google Chrome is subtle. You will not be experiencing any major changes in the User Interface. However, the changes that you will find will be welcomed by you and will force you to think, why you never got this before.

When this mode is activated, all the elements aligned on the page are spaced adequately. This brings in space for touch and gesture-based inputs. Also, this brings in a clearer and adequately spacious user interface to be used by the user. There are some particular things that are worth keeping in mind- How do you like this new touch-friendly UI on Chrome?