Hybrid Drive vs SSD vs HDD

This article focuses on the difference between Solid State Drives and Hard Disk Drives and then compares them to Hybrid Drives.

Hard Disk Drives (HDD)

The main points one needs to know about the Hard Disk Drives are as follows:

Solid State Drives (SSD)

Solid State Drives, as we have seen earlier, are also called Solid State Disks, though no disks are involved. It is just because their counterparts are often called Hard Disks, they can be called Solid State Disks. Main points to be noted are as follows: The main points to be noted are as follows: Read: GPT or MBR: Which format should you use for SSD?


Based on the above points- SSDs are good for people who need higher speeds as in gaming and real-time computing etc. Hard Disk Drives are okay for people who require more of storage space compared to speed. Read: How to tell if the Hard Drive is SSD or HDD.

Hard Disk Drive, Solid State Drive, Hybrid Drive comparison

Hybrid Drives, as we have seen yesterday, combine both SSD and HDD where the SSD is used as a cache between Hard Disk and RAM. Hybrid Drives are actually Hard Disk Drives that employ some SSD to act as a cache. They come with a firmware that figures out what data is being required frequently and stores it on the SSD part (cache) of the Hybrid Drives. This results in faster operations with time (as you use the Hybrid Drives). To make the previous statement a little more clear, you will not see any difference in speed of Hybrid Drives initially but as you use the Hybrid Drive – over time – you will notice that your programs and operating system (and other data) are much faster than before. Read: How to tell if SSD is SATA or NVMe? Hybrid Drives are good for people who need both speed and space. Being part HDD and part SSD, Hybrid drives are less costly while providing you with better storage space. In comparison, Hybrid drives are faster than regular Hard Disks and slower than standalone SSDs, while not compromising on storage space. These are my observations on Hybrid Drive vs SSD vs HDD.