How to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word

Follow the steps below on how to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word: Launch Microsoft Word.

On the Insert tab in the Add-ins group, click the Wikipedia button.

A New Office Add-in pane will appear on the right; click the Trust this add-in button. In the Wikipedia pane on the right, enter what you are looking for in the Search box, and you will see the result of the search.

On the Wikipedia pane, you will see three tabs, namely: Sections, Images, and Infobox. The Sections tab places the search results into categories. If you click the Images tab, you will see some images relating to your search; if you scroll down, you will notice that the images have a plus sign on them. The plus sign means to insert. To insert the picture into your Word document, click the plus button. The image is inserted into the document with a source and a hyperlink. If you click the Infobox tab, it shows some details about your search as a summary.

You can click the drop-down arrow in the search box and select if you want to search by Auto-Search or Search Browser. There is also a Back button that you can use to return to the previous page. Click the close button to close the pane. Read: How to search Wikipedia or Google from Windows Start Menu Search Box

Who can edit Wikipedia?

Wikipedia can be written by anyone due to it being a wiki. Volunteers can edit and improve any articles, especially if they think that the information is inaccurate. Volunteers do not of to register to edit information on Wikipedia. Persons that edit information in Wikipedia are known as Wikipedians or an editor. Read: How to create an eBook from Wikipedia

How do I make a wiki page?

If you want to create a wiki page, you will have to create an account on Wikipedia and then add an article. While only registered and signed-in users can create pages, anyone can modify and edit a page.

Is Wikipedia free to use?

Yes, Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia platform where people can get information. It also showcases pictures and references at the bottom of the articles so that people can search for themselves if the information is accurate. READ: How to add Radio button in a Microsoft Word document

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READ: How to turn off word count in Microsoft Word We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word.