How to show Details pane in File Explorer of Windows 11/10

We have covered 3 built-in options to show or hide the Details pane in Windows 11/10 File Explorer. These are: Let’s check these options.

1] Using a hotkey

This is the fastest and easiest option to show the Details pane in File Explorer. Only two steps are needed: This will instantly open the Details pane. Press the same hotkey again to hide the Details pane in File Explorer.

2] Using menu of File Explorer

Windows 11

The File Explorer for Windows 11 is a significant change over the same for Windows 10. If you check through the View tab, suddenly all menus have disappeared and the extensive options have been condensed into a shortlist.

Thankfully, the options to enable or disable the Details pane is relatively easier to find. The procedure to show Details pane in File Explorer of Windows 11 is as follows:

Windows 10

Here are the steps: This will show the Details pane on the right-hand part of File Explorer. Use the same option to hide the Details pane anytime.

3] Using Registry Editor

Before performing this or any Registry trick, it is recommended to first backup the Registry so that you can restore it anytime to undo unnecessary changes. Now carefully follow these steps: Type regedit in the Search box and press Enter key to open Registry Editor. After that, access the GlobalSettings key. Its path is:

Under that key, create a new Registry key, and rename it to DetailsContainer, just like visible in the above screenshot. If the key is already present, then no need to create it. On the right-hand section of that key, right-click, use the New menu, and select the Binary Value option. Rename the newly generated binary value to DetailsContainer.

Double-click on the DetailsContainer value and a window will pop up. There, add the following Value data:

Write the above values without space. It will automatically fill those values to correct places. Press OK to add the changes. Select DetailsContainer key and again create a new Registry key under it. This time, set the name of this new key to Sizer.

Under the Sizer key, create DetailsContainerSizer name Binary Value.

Double-click on that value and a window will pop up. In its Value data box, add the following values:

Write the above values in continuation, without any space or using Enter key. Press OK to save your changes. Now when you will open File Explorer, you will see that the Details pane is visible on the right-hand side. To hide the Details pane, simply Delete DetailsContainer and DetailsContainzerSizer Binary values.

How to hide Details pane in File Explorer of Windows 11

The procedure to hide the Details pane in File Explorer of Windows 11 is as follows:

How to find the exact number of files in a folder?

Whenever you open a folder in Windows 11, it will automatically open in the File Explorer window. All you have to do it enable the Details Pane. Whenever you open the folder in discussion or any folder in general, the number of files in the folder will show in the Details pane.

How different is File Explorer for Windows 11 in comparison to File Explorer for Windows 10?

Very different! Rather, everything has changed to improve its accessibility to people with visual difficulties. The good part is that the feature has been made much easier to use. Read next: Show Preview pane of File Explorer.