Google Dynamic Remarketing

Google says: Google Remarketing is a process that stores user search information in its DoubleClick cookie and pulls up targeted ads from its database and presents them before the users of the Internet. The process is easy for Google Adword users. All they have to do is to create a list of their products and submit the list to Google Adwords in way of a CSV file or upload it manually to the Google Merchant Center. The remarketing system also determines the size and location of these advertisements. Based on the website format, Google Dynamic Remarketing thinks about which ad to place and where to place it. It also thinks about which format to use and all of it is done even as the website is still loading. The method is fast and assures advertisers, of higher returns on their money.

How Does Google Remarketing Differ From Normal PPC

Normal PPC ads are displayed based on search terms used by users to reach a website. For example, if the user types “Best Tablets Under $200”, the website will contain ads related to tablets and electronics. If the user typed “how to troubleshoot Windows”, most probably, the ad could be a book related to troubleshooting Windows or a Registry Cleaner and likes. When it comes to Google Dynamic Remarketing, it is not based on search terms used to reach the website. It depends on the Doubleclick cookie residing on your computer that contains what products you were searching on Google ad partner sites and mobile apps. Thus, it remembers what the user was looking for and employs ads about that product. For example, if you were looking for a 5.1 speaker on any website, online store, YouTube or  or even on a mobile app, the website displays speaker ads on different websites instead of using the normal PPC techniques.

Opt out of Google targeted advertising

Though Google allows you to opt out of targeted advertising on different browsers and devices, it is hard to escape remarketing. There will be Double-Click cookies on your computer and ad networks will make use of that cookie to show relevant ads about products you have been searching for, on the Internet. You can visit the Google ad settings page to set your options. You can also save your opt-out preference permanently, with this browser plugin from Google and opt out of the DoubleClick cookie. It is available for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome web browsers. Here are a few steps you may follow: Can the Internet really be free? Take a look at the future of the web and the fight between Surfers, Online Advertisers, Ad blockers & Website Owners.