Notifications have become a great part of our life. Since we rely mainly on emails and text messages, we need to be notified of them in real-time. This has got better of our anxious nature. Mostly, these notifications are becoming a distraction to us from the work we are doing. If you want to concentrate on your work, you have to stop notifications. Even after stopping the notifications, you will be notified via badges on Windows 11 which are enabled by default. You need to hide them to get your work done without any disturbance. Let’s see how you can disable or hide badges on Taskbar icons in Windows 11.

What is the purpose of a badge on a taskbar button?

The badge on a taskbar button notifies you of any message or update of the activity in the particular app of which the badge is showing. The badges stay there until you click on the program icon on the taskbar. You can show them or hide them easily.

How to Hide Badges on Taskbar Icons in Windows 11

To Hide Badges (Unread message counter) on taskbar app icons Windows 11: Let’s get into the details of the process. To get started, right-click on the Taskbar and click on the Taskbar settings.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the desktop and select Personalize and then click on Taskbar. On the Taskbar personalization page, scroll down and click on Taskbar behaviors at the bottom.

The settings of Taskbar behavior will drop down on the click. Uncheck the button beside Show badges (unread messages counter) on taskbar apps which will hide the badges on Taskbar icons.

This is how you can hide badges on Taskbar icons in Windows 11. To enable them or show the badges again on the Taskbar icons, check the same button in the Taskbar behaviors. Here are answers to some related questions that you may have.

What are the features of the Windows 10 taskbar?

The taskbar on Windows stays at the bottom of the screen. It has four components for the accessibility of the users.

How do I hide my taskbar?

Hiding the taskbar on Windows 10/11 is very easy. You can get it when you want it or auto-hide the taskbar you don’t want it. You can go to taskbar settings and check the button beside the Auto-hide taskbar in the Taskbar behaviors section.

How do I keep taskbar icons in the middle?

Taskbar icons stay in the middle by default in Windows 11. You can also keep taskbar icons in the middle on Windows 10 using some third-party programs. Related read: How to show Taskbar across multiple monitors in Windows 11.

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