The 429, Too many requests error can occur due to daily per-user limits, including mail sending limits, bandwidth limits, or a per-user concurrent request limit. It can also occur if the website ir overloaded with too many requests and cannot entertain yours.

How to fix Error 429, Too many requests on Google Chrome

Typically, 429, Too many requests message seen in Google Chrome browser is not exactly an error but a response from a server or API, signaling the client application to stop making requests as it doesn’t have sufficient resources to process them. So, it’s a kind of safeguard measure stopping users from abusing server resources, knowingly or unknowingly by sending too many requests to the server. Encountering errors such as Google Chrome Error 429, Too many requests on a website you are trying to access can be quite frustrating. Try the solutions given above and see if it helps.

1] Wait for some time and then try again

Wait for some time and then try again and see if that helps.

2] Clear the browser cache and history

Every browser is prone to a few shortfalls and Chrome is no exception to this rule. Corrupted cache and cookies can sometimes end up causing Google Chrome Error 429 error. However, it can be easily fixed by clearing the browser cache and history.

3] Check if proxy or other VPN services are active

Like plugins and add-ons, using a proxy setup or a VPN service can create compatibility issues and stop you from accessing a webpage in Chrome, resulting in error code 429. So, check if any proxy or other VPN services are active. If yes, you’ll need to disable them. You can verify this by going to Settings > Network & internet > VPN or Proxy.

4] Log in via a different network or a hotspot.

If the above solutions fail to work, try switching to a different Wi-Fi network or enabling the personal hotspot. Strangely, this trick works in most cases.

What is error code 11 in Chrome?

It’s an update error. So, if you’re having problems updating Chrome on your computer, you might see the following error –

Update failed: Updates are disabled by the administrator.Update failed (Error: 3 or 11) An error occurred while checking for updates: Update server not available.

What is declined Code 12?

It’s a code related to the “Invalid transaction on a credit card, mainly seen when the issuing bank does not accept a transaction. Read next: Fix 500, That’s an error, Please try again later Google error.

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