To embed a PPT presentation, need an active account on OneDrive and the document you need to embed. When you open any document that is present on OneDrive, it uses the Web versions of the application you use on the system to open it. Preferably the file should file in .pptx format.
Embed PowerPoint presentation on a Blog
Log in to your OneDrive account and upload the file you want to embed. Right-click on the file and select the Embed option. A new panel will open up on the right side of the screen. Click on Generate. It will generate the code you can use to embed the file. Now, copy the code in your website’s code or in the code window of your blog. In this way, you can embed and share your own presentation on your blog. Just think how powerful this method could be. If you are analyzing something and putting it up on your blog, a proper presentation with a detailed description is what someone would want to read. Or let’s say you want to put up something about the place you visited on your last trip, wouldn’t it be a good way to present your clicks? Just keep in mind that since the embedding is done in the public domain, anyone can see it, download it and use it. Now read: How to embed a Word document on a website.