Emails are an efficient and productive way of transmitting all kinds of data. It is the most sought after way of communication for a lot of companies, business and is the go-to medium for a lot of people in the workplace. However, sometimes you may receive an email with a subject line which is empty or a subject which doesn’t deliver an appropriate description for you to identify the email for later use. Most often an email message is filled with a lot of unwanted texts like the signatures or a list of the unneeded addresses and information. In such cases, you may want to have an option that would allow you to add an appropriate subject and edit the message on a received email. If you are looking out for a suitable way to edit the received email’s subjected line and message, you are in the right place.

Edit received Email in Microsoft Outlook

Edit a subject line of a received message

To edit the subject line of the email, click the subject field on the mail.

Change the subject line.                                                                                                          Click the Save button on the upper left corner of the Email window.

Edit a text body of a received message

The above changes made will appear only on your mailbox and they won’t be reflected on the sender’s email or any other recipients.