How to download an older version of Windows 10

Every time one of the older versions of Windows 10 reaches its end of life, Windows 10 users should update to the latest version. There is no way they can download a particular version even though they are supported. For example, Windows 10, version 1803, end of support was on November 12, 2019. The next release after v1803 was v1903, but users need to update to Windows 10 v1909. However, there is a way to download ISO of an older version by following these steps:

The prompt which lets you select a version of the OS you plan to download opens behind Rufus’ window, so look there is you miss it. At this point, I will suggest minimizing all open windows, and move the Rufus window left or right to locate the version selector Rufus acts as a download manager for the ISO. If you are using any third-party download manager, I would suggest checking the box which says — Download using a browser. In case of any interruption, Rufus will be able to manage the ISO file better. While Rufus allows you to download even the unsupported version of Windows 10, I suggest you download the supported version only. Else, Windows will automatically be forced to upgrade to the latest version. I hope the tutorial was easy to understand, and you were able to download the ISO of an older version of Windows 10 ISO.

How to download and install an older version of Windows 10 ISO - 87How to download and install an older version of Windows 10 ISO - 93