How to create a Step Chart in Excel

Follow the methods below to make a Step Chart in Microsoft Excel: Launch Microsoft Excel.

Enter your data into your spreadsheet or use existing data. Copy the range of cells containing your data and then paste it as a new range.

Then delete the first date cell and the last sales cell from the copied table.

Then delete the empty cell by right-clicking the cell and clicking Delete.

A Delete dialog box will open. Choose the Shift cells up, then click OK. The empty cells will be deleted, and the cells below will shift up.

Copy the original table range and paste it below the copied table. Select the entire data in the copied table.

Click the Insert tab, and in the Charts group, click the Insert Line or Area Chart button. In the 2-D section, choose Line.

Now the Step chart is created.

What is a Step Chart?

A Step Chart is a chart similar to a line graph, but the line is forming a series of steps between data points. The Step Chart is useful when individuals want to show data that changes at irregular intervals.

Where is Chart Tools Excel?

Follow the steps below to find the Chart Tools in Excel READ: How to create a Box and Whisker Chart in Excel

How many chart types are available in Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, there are seventeen charts, namely: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), Map, Stock, Surface, Radar, Treemap, Sunburst, Histogram, Box and Whisker, Waterfall, funnel, and Combo. READ: How to create a Treemap chart in Excel

What is a quick way to add chart elements?

Follow the steps below to add chart elements to your chart:

Why is a graph better than a table?

The reason why a graph is better than a table is that the table shows data in a list and might be hard to understand for some audiences. In contrast, the graph shows a graphical representation of the data that is easier to understand for many people. We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to create a Step Chart in Microsoft Excel; if you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.