People often use VHDX as it comes with more storage capacity than VHD. For your information, VHD can carry up to 2 TB of storage, but the VHDX can carry up to 64 TB of storage. If the virtual machine plays an essential role in your work, you should opt for VHDX, as this format is compatible with most of the virtual machine managers as well. However, let’s assume that you had a virtual machine that supports only VHD format, and now you want to move to VHDX. You can use the Hyper-V Manager in Windows 10 to convert VHD to VHDX easily. Before getting started, make sure that Hyper-V Manager is already installed or enabled on your computer.

Convert VHD to VHDX using Hyper-V Manager

To convert VHD to VHDX using Hyper-V Manager, follow these steps- To know the tutorial in detail, read on. First, open the Hyper-V Manager on your Windows computer. On your left-hand side, you should find your computer name. you need to click on it to reveal all options. Following that, click on the Edit Disk option on your right-hand side.

On the next screen, you need to choose the .vhd file that you already have on your computer. Click the Browse button to select the file and Next to go forward.

After that, you have to choose an action. Select Convert from the list and click on the Next button.

Now it will ask you to select a format. For obvious reasons, you need to select the VHDX option.

After that, select the Disk type, i.e., Fixed size or Dynamically expanding. If you choose the Fixed size option, the amount of storage will be assigned immediately, and you cannot expand it later. On the other hand, if you choose the Dynamically expanding option, your initial file size will be comparatively smaller, and it will expand as data is added.

Following that, you have to select a location where you want to save the converted file and give it a name. If you have done it already, click the Next button to review all the settings and hit the Finish button to start the conversion process. It may take a couple of minutes, but it depends on your VHD file. Do you know that you can convert VHDX to VHD using Windows PowerShell as well?