Convert cells between Hectares and Acres in Excel

Conversion formulae for Acre to Hectare and vice-versa

The conversion formulae for Acre to Hectare and vice-versa are as follows:

Hectare = 2.47105 AcreAcre = 0.404686 Hectare

How to convert cells between Acre to Hectare in Excel

We know that 1 Hectare is 2.47105 Acre. We can use the simple multiplier formula in Excel for the conversion. Later the Fill option could be used for multiple entries. The syntax for converting Acres to Hectares in Excel is as follows: Where-

is the first cell in the column with the list of values in Acres.

Eg. Let us assume a list of values in Acres with the first value mentioned in cell A3. We need the values in Hectares in column B starting from cell B3. Now, the formula for converting the values from Acres to Hectares would be:

You can insert this formula in cell B3 and click anywhere outside the cell. You would get the value in Hectares in cell B3 corresponding to the value in Acres in cell A3. Now, click on cell B3 again to highlight the Fill option. Use the dot on the bottom-right corner along column B till the cell where you need corresponding values of Hectares.

How to convert cells between Hectare to Acre in Excel

Since 1 Acre is 0.404686 Hectare, we could use the simple multiplier formula in Excel for the conversion. Later, you could use the Fill option for multiple entries. The syntax for converting Hectares to Acres in Excel is as follows: Where, is the first cell in the column with the list of values in Hectare. Eg. Let us assume a list of values in Hectares with the first value mentioned in cell A3. We need the values in Acres in column B starting from cell B3. Now, the formula for converting the values from Hectares to Acres would be:

Insert this formula in cell B3 and click anywhere outside the cell. You would get the value in Acres in cell B3 corresponding to the value in Hectares in cell A3.

Now, click on cell B3 again to highlight the Fill option. Use the dot on the bottom-right corner along column B till the cell where you need corresponding values of Acres. Read: How to count the number of Yes or No entries in Excel. Hope it helps!