Google Drive is one of the solutions which you can use to collaborate with other people on any document, spreadsheet, presentation, etc. It is possible to share a file with anybody and allow him/her to view or edit the file as per the requirements. However, Google Drive may display such an error while accessing a file if you do not have the proper permission. Let’s say that you have viewing permission, but you are trying to edit the file by manipulating the URL. In such situations, you may encounter such errors.

How to bypass Google Drive Access Denied error

To bypass the Google Drive Access Denied error, follow these steps: To learn more about these steps, continue reading.

1] Ask for permission

It is probably the first thing you need to ask for. As it is a permission-related error, you must ask for permission to view or edit the document. It is pretty straightforward since the error screen displays an option to request permission. The UI might be different for different files, but they do the same. If you get a Request access button, click on it. It will send a notification to the owner. On the other hand, if you get a Message box, you can write a note and click the Request access button. Either way, it will do the same.

2] Sign out of other Google accounts

Many people use multiple Google accounts in their browsers. If you have signed in to more than one Google account and tried accessing a shared file, it could create a conflict. Therefore, it is better to sign out of all the other Google accounts and try having only the one which has the permission. You can follow this guide to sign out of one Google account when using multiple accounts. These are the two working solutions that fix the aforementioned issue. However, you can try the following tricks as well.

3] Change browser

If your browser has some internal conflicts, it might reflect as the error mentioned above. Therefore, you can try changing the browser before accessing the file one more time. On the other hand, you can also use the incognito mode, which gets rid of all the extensions, settings, etc. If you can access the file without any error, you need to reset your browser in order to fix the issue.

4] Clear cache and cookies

If you can access the file in incognito mode, you can also try clearing the browser cache and cookies to get rid of this problem. If you want to clear cache, cookies, etc., in Chrome and Firefox, follow this guide. If you want to remove cookies and site data in the Edge browser, you need to follow this guide.

How do I get past Access denied on Google Drive?

To get past the Access denied error on Google Drive, you need to follow the aforementioned tips and tricks. For example, you can ask for permission from the owner, sign out of all the other Google accounts, try in incognito mode, etc. All the steps are mentioned in detail, and you need to follow them one after one.

Why does Google Drive say Access Denied?

If your Google account doesn’t have the correct permission to access a file, Google Drive says the Access denied message. Once you get permission from the owner, you can bypass this error on Google Drive. For that, you can go through the above-mentioned solutions. That’s all! Hope this guide helped. Read: How to bypass Google Drive Download quota is exceeded error.

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