We receive a lot of unwanted emails in our mail inbox. As you know, all the emails that we receive take space on cloud storage. Hence, it is important to delete the emails that we do not require. You can delete the unwanted emails manually by selecting them one by one. This process is fine if you do not receive unwanted emails in bulk. But if you receive a large number of unwanted emails, say from the countries, the language of which you do not know, the method of deleting emails one by one is not the right choice. Hence, if you use the block emails feature in Outlook, you do not have to spend your time deleting the emails one by one. Outlook will move all the emails coming from a particular country to the Junk folder automatically. All the emails in the Junk folder will be deleted automatically after 10 days.

How to block foreign emails from other countries in Outlook

The following instructions to block international emails will be applicable to Outlook 365, Outlook 2019, 2016, 2010, and 2007. From now, all the emails from the country that you have blocked will land in your Junk folder. That’s it. Related posts:

Block a sender or contact from sending emails in Gmail or Outlook.com.Blocked Senders entries are missing in Outlook Web App.

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