Block Adult Sites on Windows 10

These websites offer IP which acts as Filter on top of DNS. Whenever a website is accessed, they check if it had been marked for any adult activities. If yes, access to the website is blocked. You can thus block inappropriate adult sites on Windows 10 using these DNS Services: To configure all of them, you need to configure IP addresses in the DNS field of the adapter or router. So you will need to access to Router or computer where you can enter them. When doing on the computer, you will need admin privileges. They can also be configured on smartphones to make sure kids don’t get access even when they are using mobile data. Android gives the option to configure IP settings under the advanced section. The configuration may vary from phone to phone. Read: Why visiting adult websites could affect your security and privacy?

1] Open DNS Family Shield

OpenDNS nameservers are built to make sure they filter out all the adult content, and if someone tries to access them, it gets blocked. OpenDNS FamilyShield nameservers are:

Make sure to double-check for any changes here. Once you have made the changes either in the Ethernet adapter or router, visit the welcome page to verify if the changes have been applied correctly. If the Welcome Page or test page shows an error, make sure to restart the router and the computer. It will make sure there is no caching of  DNS IP anywhere.

2] Clean Browsing

Clean Browsing offer three types of filters—Security, Adult, and Family. While Adult Filter only blocks Adult domains, Search Engines set to safe mode, and Security Filter, Family goes one step ahead. It sets up VPNs; Mixed Adult Content blocked, Youtube to safe mode along with the Adult filter.

Security Filter:   Malicious domains blocked (phishing, malware).Adult Filter:  Adult domains blocked; Search Engines set to safe mode; +Security FilterFamily Filter: Proxies, VPNs & Mixed Adult Content blocked; Youtube to safe mode; +Adult Filter

They offer three content filters via Pv4 and IPv6 through standard port 53 and 5353. DNS over TLS is available over port 853 and DNScrypt over port 8443. Make sure to visit their website for detailed info and a range of DNS IPs. They also offer custom filters or DNS firewalls, but it will cost you $5 per month at the minimum. Firefox users can also turn on Adult Filter on the New Tab Page.

3] Cloudflare for Families

Cloudflare is offering Family specific features that automatically filter out bad sites. Cloudflare for Families will make sure to safeguard privacy, optimize efficiency, but compared to Cloudflare; it can block or filter content. The priority here is to protect from security threats and can keep adult content from being accessed by their kids.  So it might not be the fastest service to resolve, but it’s going to make sure, bad things stay out of the way.

4] NeuStar Family Secure DNS

It is built for families who do not want children to access mature content which includes Gambling, Violence, Hate/Discrimination, etc.

IPv4:, 2610:a1:1018::3, 2610:a1:1019::3

Enter this configuration into DNS entries on your computer or router, and restart it once. After that try visiting an adult website, and check if the DNS service blocked it.  More on this here.

5] DNS for Family

DNS for Family is a well-done website which offers free DNS IP to configure on the network. They aim to block websites which are considered adult. The good thing is that they do not block social websites like YouTube, Facebook, and others. You can use the following DNS servers provided by DNS for Family: IPv4 DNS Servers: IPv6 DNS servers: It also works with DNSCrypt. To copy the keys that you can use, please find details on the official website.

6] Yandex

Yandex has over 80 DNS servers located in different cities and countries.  The company is well known for its Antivirus solution, and it uses its experience to filter out those websites. It offers three types of DNS Basic, Quick and reliable DNS

Safe DNS which offers protection from virus and fraudulent content

Family DNS which filters out all adult content

More details are available on the official website. We hope the services were easy to configure on your router or computer, and you were able to block access to adult websites and keep your kids away from them. TIP: You can also use freeware DNS Angel to lock unsafe websites & inappropriate content