How to become a Pinterest Influencer

Understanding Pinterest

It is necessary to explore the essence of Pinterest in order to become a significant influencer. Don’t dive into the influencer bandwagon with half-baked strategies. Here are certain things you need to know about Pinterest.

Pinterest as a Unique Social Media Platform

On Pinterest, you don’t just share posts or images you want people to see. You pin them to ensure people will see it. Most of your visitors find your pins by searching for it. Your pins get the exposure because someone searched it. They don’t get exposure because of your reputation. This is the key difference between Pinterest and other social media platforms. Thanks to pins and repins, Pinterest posts stay around the block for a long time. The half-life of a pin is 14 weeks. To put things in perspective, the average tweet vanishes from the feed, in 48 seconds. The average half-life of a Facebook post is 90 minutes.

Pinterest as a Search Engine

Pinterest is not just another social media platform. Treat it as a search engine in its own capacity. People don’t visit Pinterest to casually start a conversation. They look for specific boards with highly targeted interests. Pinterest users establish connections with each other for a business partnership. The purpose could be to gain followers for their brand or to promote a product. They are rarely there just to chat up. Look at Pinterest as a search engine in the garb of a social media platform. This is the first trick that will enable you to become a successful Pinterest influencer. You will learn what and how to post things and how to follow up.

Pinterest as a B2C Shopping Hub

Pinterest searches and bookmarks contribute to an online buyer’s decisions. Sometimes the bookmarks are not accessed with purpose. But 93% of pinners are using the pins as their ‘To-Buy’ list. Instagram is almost as visual as Pinterest. But it is a hub for gatherings and personal interactions. Pinterest is primarily an online marketplace. Regular pinners pin what they wish to own. This gives a clear image of what is in demand. An influencer or retailer can easily pin similar things on their board to convey availability. It is very visual and very simple if done right. Millennials prefer shopping through Pinterest. Over 50% of Americans like Pinterest because of its content. As an influencer, you need to strike a chord with your visitors. You can do if you remember what people on Pinterest are looking for. Home décor, food, art, travel, and DIY tips are the most popular categories for Pinterest users. We have established what Pinterest is all about. It is time to strategize our maneuvers to becoming a successful influencer. Here are things you can learn from Pinterest’s analytical records. Some tips are from the most successful Pinterest influencers. BONUS: These Pinterest Tips for Bloggers will help promote your Blogs and Sites.

Focus on the product

Of course, the wording and the quality of the image or video matter. But the product matters the most. On other social media platforms, brand image determines the value of a product. On Pinterest, the products pinned on your board determines your reputation as an influencer.

Curate your content right

The product is key. But there is no denying that presentation always matters. Here are a few pointers about that:

Optimize your content for mobile because that’s where 80% of the action happens.Short videos are more influential than long videos or images.High-quality images are still influential.Vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio work best.Rich pins are the most informative. Use them wherever possible.Make good use of the 200 characters for every pin.Use short and relevant hashtags to increase the exposure of your pins. Yes, the hashtag trend has taken on Pinterest as well.

Make the description SEO-friendly and informative to let the pins rank. It is very similar to Google’s algorithm.

Keep it relevant

Before you become a Pinterest influencer, decide what you want to promote. It does not have to be a singular product or brand. But it has to be something that goes with your lifestyle and belief system. When you live your life with consistency, it will reflect in your pins. When your board has a consistent theme, big companies will take you seriously and want to invest in you as an influencer. Also, make sure you don’t miss out on opportunities to go topical. If you are a solo travel influencer, plan ahead to pin relevant and useful content for the vacations. If you are into food, factor seasonal food items or dishes. If you are into movies, have a unique take on fresh releases. Always keep your board fresh. Pins stay for weeks but don’t let that make you lazy.

Optimize your website

Pinterest users are not casual browsers. They are looking for commitment and authenticity. As a successful Pinterest influencer, you need proof of credibility. Optimize your profile for Pinterest by taking the following steps:

Update your website and business name.Add a candid description that includes everything you have to offer.Add a Save Button.Have a relevant cover image.Have a dedicated Pinterest button on every webpage of your website.

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