Flexible Active Hours

Many of us use the Active Hours feature to make sure Windows Update doesn’t force us to restart the computer. If you keep your computer turned on, it will not apply the update during the specified active hours. That said, active hours for many changes, and they are not that strict. In my case, I have set active hours between 11 am to 5 pm, but usually, I complete work after 7 pm. Windows Update could prompt me for the update even though I am working. This is where flexible Active Hours comes into the picture.

Automatically adjust Active Hours in Windows 11

Windows performs Windows Updates in the background and may reboot your system. To adjust the same, you can choose to set Active hours so the system is not disturbed by the Windows Update process, or if you are not sure of the time and don’t want to bother much about it, please choose the option to Automatically adjust Active Hours in Windows 11. The procedure to automatically adjust Active Hours in Windows 11 is as follows:

Automatically adjust Active Hours in Windows 10

Windows Update allows enabling an option using which it can monitor your active hours, and change it. To configure this setting in Windows 10:

It will change the active hours, and if you match with the previous one, it should be different. If you take a look at the screenshot, my earlier active hours were 09:00-17:00. After changing it, the active hours have changed to 11:00-19:00. I have been following this routine for a while and it’s accurate. It’s a handy feature. Many like me don’t bother to change active hours. If notifications appear, we close them and get back to work. The function can change, and I will not get any more prompts for updates.

Why can you not just choose to download Windows Updates as a background process while working?

You can! But is your system strong enough? The process may cause high CPU usage. This will slow down every other process on the computer and might also freeze it. So, it is better to download the updates when your system is idle.

How does Windows decide the time to automatically download updates?

Windows 11 is smart. It decides the time to automatically download updates by monitoring your CPU usage. Since a pattern is created, Windows will decide upon an ideal idle time.

Will my system reboot abruptly after Windows Updates are downloaded?

Not actually! It will prompt for a timeline to reboot your system after it has downloaded the updates. Windows knows no one likes to disturb while working.