Webamp online music player

The first thing you’ll realize about Webamp is the fact that the user interface looks similar to the classic Winamp interface. We’re happy the developers went with this option because it’s not flashy, which means, the player loads quickly no matter your internet connection speed.

Also, the Webamp player comes with a bunch of default music. You can remove them by clicking REM > REM ALL, but bear in mind that each time the page is reloaded, the songs will return. Additionally, you can add your own music by clicking on ADD > ADD DIR or ADD URL. Choosing the ADD DIR option means you’ll be adding music from your Windows 10 computer directory. That’s the easy way, so just find where the tunes are located, then click on upload. Above, then, you can see that we have the equalizer, the buttons for play, pause, skip, etc. Everything needed to have a pleasant music experience is located here, and that’s great. We should point out that it is possible to playback tracks from Dropbox, something that is not possible on Winamp. Is it worth using Webamp over Winamp? Here’s the thing; in terms of basic features, both are the same. It’s easy to get your music up and playing without a hitch, and that’s great. However, the problem we have with Webamp is that it makes no sense for home use.

The time it would take a person to fire up Webamp through their web browser, then to add music, one could simply play the tracks through the Windows 10 program. Not to mention, every time the Webamp page is reloaded, your tracks are lost. Therefore, you’ll be required to re-add your favorite music every time, and that’s a pain to deal with all the time. From our point of view, Webamp is better used as a tool on websites with tracks from the administrator. To use it for personal use just doesn’t make sense to us, therefore, we suggest giving it a try, but don’t expect to have it as your regular music player. Play around with Webamp right here on webamp.org.