How to use KeyPrank

KeyPrank for Windows requires no installation. Once the download is complete, the program can be made to run on the computer you want to play the prank on. It silently runs in the background of the computer system, swapping keyboard keys as they are pressed. With the Space Key Prank installed on a system I bet, your friends will find it hard to figure out the prank. How does it work? It causes the spacebar on a victim’s computer keyboard to type out the characters ‘SPACE’ instead of the normal space character. As seen in the image above, you can notice that when I type something and hit the space button, the text ‘Space‘ is added automatically to the line of text. An important feature of KeyPrank is that it allows a user to run more than one instance at once. So, in addition to the Space prank, you can play Vowel, Alphabet (ABCDE) and LOL pranks. How to stop KeyPrank This requires no effort. Simply restart your computer to deactivate the feature. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Del to access Task Manager, locate the process, and select Stop KeyPrank Processes. Please note that the tool works only on desktops and laptops. A Smartphone or tablet version of it is not available yet. In short Space KeyPrank is a really fun prank to play on someone, and it only takes minutes, if not seconds, to set it up. Download it here.! Read next: Generate or create fake newspaper stories and headlines.

Have some fun with KeyPrank for Windows PC - 85