Hacked App for Windows 11/10

The simple yet ingenious app takes the email address of a user and runs it under HaveIBeenPwned.com website – A data breach information site set up by a security specialist. The website offers Internet users a chance to verify if their email address was somehow involved in a breach.

Important features of the Hacked app for Windows PC

Easy to applicationRegularly updatedUses Fresh data to compare against – PrivacyEmails you of any breach.

How to use the App

Install the app by visiting the Windows Store. Now run the app. When you do so, Hacked prompts you to set up your account details.

It takes some time to verify the account details given by a user. Once verified, it checks the account for changes regularly since Haveibeenpwned is updated regularly with new information. There’s a built-in monitoring system that performs new checks every 12 hours.

This is to ensure that your account is not compromised or involved in any way in the latest security breaches.

Moreover, Hacked sends notifications to users on a timely basis. What counts as a distinguishing feature of the app is it does not share users’ email addresses with “anyone outside of the haveibeenpwned API,” which is secured using the HTTPS protocol. Unlike the haveibeenpwned.com website that requires a user to visit the website frequently and enter his email address to check the status of the email address, the Hacked app automatically sends a notification if there is any issue. If you think it looks interesting, download it free from the Windows Store. If you are interested in this topic, you definitely want to read our post Have I been hacked.