Guidelines on how to choose a Business Tablet

In most cases, the tablet that suits your needs best should be considered for buying. Is a 7-inch or 10-inch model right for me? Can I buy a cheap tablet and still get a quality device? And how much memory and what kind of connectivity (3G/4G/5G) I exactly need? All these questions should be considered and answered satisfactorily while buying a tablet. These days, many customers are benefiting from new Windows 8 tablets or touch-enabled devices like convertibles. As you may know, tablets come in a range of sizes. Most like keeping themselves in either the 7-inch or 10-inch camp. The smaller tablets appear to be more convenient for carrying around, but larger screens prove thoroughly useful for typing or watching videos. The next key issue is to decide what type of internet connection you need for the chosen device. All tablets connect to the internet via wi-fi, but some models from certain manufacturers also let you use 5G or 4G mobile internet connections. The downside of the latter option is the added cost of mobile internet data. So, for most people, wi-fi only tablets, become ideal. However, if you like to be updated with the latest emails, news feeds, etc., then a %G or 4G version might be the best option for you. Having a 5G or 4G tablet gives you an upper hand to browse the internet when you are out about, and there are no wi-fi hotspots insight. For business purposes, it is essential you determine different capabilities that people in your organization may require, as these become the key factors in the decision-making process of choosing a business tablet. Some have been highlighted below.


Corporates usually like carrying their electronic devices with them, no matter what they are traveling for. They, therefore, appreciate tablets that are lightweight and have long battery life. Most tablets with Intel Atom processors are light in weight and have long battery life, hence the choice of some selective users.


Some tablet owners are more like casual users, who use their device primarily for reading e-mail, browsing the web, and running a variety of other apps that do not require much computing power. But others may be using the product for manipulating large spreadsheets, analyzing data-sets, developing line-of-business software, or performing other more intensive operations. For such heavier workloads, people prefer tablets with Intel Core processors that are more powerful and support larger amounts of memory.

Corporate Access

Different categories of people so-called Business People may need access to the corporate network. For the best corporate connectivity to corporate networks, one can rely on Windows tablets with Intel Core or Intel Atom processors running Windows Enterprise. Intel Core processors are typically found higher-powered tablets that offer notebook-like performance and larger amounts of memory. They can be used for running desktop apps and used as a full PC replacement for business customers. Atom processors, on the other hand, use system-on-chip (SoC) designs to achieve greater mobility through their lightweight design and long battery life. Hope you find this post useful.