You can group Tiles together and even name these Tile groups on the Windows 10 Start Menu, to make your Start Menu more organized and using it  more convenient. Looks cool too!

Name Tile Groups on Windows 10 Start Menu

To begin with, pin your favorite programs, tools, system settings, built-in utilities and folders to the Start Menu. Once you have done this, rezeize them individually to your preferred sizes by right-clicking on each tile and selecting Resize – Small, Medium, Wide or large. Having done this, drag and drop then around and club them in groups. Here in the image I have clubbed the browsers together – excepting one. Once you do this, click on the blank space above any one group. A white field will appear. Type the desired name – eg. Browsers, and click somewhere else. The group will be named. In this way, you can form several groups like, System Tools, Image Viewers, Playlists, Favorite apps, Websites and so on. If you wish, you can even drag and drop the Groups around. Click and hold near the group name and drag the group around.

Give it a try and see, how it makes using the Start more easier in Windows 10. Customize Windows 10 Start Menu further if you want to totally personalize your experience.