GitAtomic Git GUI Client for Windows

We have already covered some other Git GUI clients for Windows. Today we will take a look at GitAtomic. The main aspect that differentiates GitAtomic from other clients is the fact that is that it has a fully integrated GUI/CLI. The perquisites of using GitAtomic is not much. You need to create a repository with your service provider and have the latest version of Git installed on your computer. Says its developer: Some of the unique features of GitAtomic are:

Super light – At least three times lighter than any other GUI Git client.Super fast – Works with repositories of any size – FAST.

GitAtomic is the only Git client that gives you:

GitAtomic is compatible with Windows 10/8/7. You can get the latest version of GitAtomic either from the Visual Studio store listing here. The latest version of the Git command line can be found here. Let us know how you like using it.