The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error

Like I was saying, that the error could be because of many reasons which include a loosely plugged wire of your hard drive, uninitialized disk, issues with SMART options and so on. 1] Repair hard-disk errors Many a time hard disks run into a temporary issue where the OS considers that it’s not healthy anymore. To fix it, you should run chkdsk, and other repair utility in the command prompt to resolve those issues.

If this cannot solve your problem, you may have to think about replacing your hard drive. When you do so, make sure to backup all your data on the Windows 10 PC  by using some free third-party backup software. You can also use it as a secondary hard drive. 2] Use S.M.A.R.T Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology or SMART is a tool that can monitor hard disks health and send out signals if it is failing. This will make sure you don’t get caught unawares by a hard disk failure for no apparent reason. 3] Initialize the disk

  It is possible that the disk or the partition from where you are trying to copy the data has accidentally un-initialized itself.  You can use the Disk Management tool or any third party service to re-initialize it. Post this; it will not give any error when copying data. 4] Format your HardDrive If you have taken a backup of your data or the data doesn’t matter to you, you can try low-level format your hard drive using third-party software, or if your OEM has any tool to offer, you may have to reinitialize disk to use it with Windows 10 PC. Let us know if any of these tips helped you to fix the error.