When you encounter any of these Event ID errors, you will receive the following full error message in the event log;
This Event ID 14 and 17 issue occurs because of an issue with the TPM device preventing Windows from communicating and using the TPM device for the functionalities that rely on TPM such as BitLocker, Modern Authentication and Next Generation Credentials.
Event ID 14 and 17, TPM command failure
If you’re faced with this error on Windows issue, you can try the recommended workaround described below to resolve the issue. Make sure the following updates are installed:
Latest Servicing Stack Update (SSU) and monthly Cumulative Update (CU) in WindowsAvailable update of the BIOS Firmware or TPM Device Firmware on manufacturer’s support websites.
If the issue persists, contact the hardware vendor or the device manufacturer to diagnose your TPM device. Hope this helps! Read: How to get Hardware ID in Windows.