Elden Ring flickering black screen boxes

Here’s how you can get rid of Elden Ring flickering black screen boxes. Now, let’s check out all these solutions in detail.

1] Run Elden Ring in High-Performance Mode

Elden Ring is a graphic-centric game; thus, your system must prioritize the game graphics. You can do so by running the game on a dedicated graphics card. Here are the steps you need to follow to get the work done. That’s it. Launch Elden Ring on your system and check if the black screen boxes issue is fixed or not.

2] Download the Latest Graphics Update

The next thing you can try is downloading the latest graphics driver update. As mentioned, Elden Ring is a graphics-oriented game; therefore, you need to make sure your system features the latest and updated graphics card. You can update the installed graphics card by following the below steps. Once the update process is complete, launch Elden Ring on your system, and check if the problem is fixed or not.

3] Download the Latest Windows Update

An outdated Windows version can also be the main reason causing the mentioned issue. Windows update comes with different bugs and glitch fixes, and downloading them is the best way to eliminate any problem revolving around the various applications. So, download the latest windows update to fix the Elden Ring flickering black screen boxes issue. Here’s how to do it. Now, Windows will check for any available updates. If found, click on the download button to begin the downloading process. After installing the update, restart your system, launch the game and check if the problem is fixed or not.

4] Turn Off Xbox Game Bar

Windows PC comes with an Xbox game bar feature. You can enable it to record games and share them with your friends. But at the same time, it can also cause the mentioned issue. Thus, you will have to disable the Xbox game bar feature to fix the flickering black boxes issue in Elden Ring. To do so, here are the steps you need to follow. That’s it. Launch the game and check if the problem persists.

5] Disable Discord Overlay

The next thing you can try is to disable the Discord Overlay feature to fix the problem. To do so, follow the below steps. Now, reboot your system to save the settings. Launch the game and check if the problem is fixed or not. Read: God of War Textures not loading or loading in low resolution

6] Verify Integrity of Game Files

If you face a black screen boxes issue on Elden Ring, the probability is high that the game files have been corrupted or are missing. In either case, you will have to verify the integrity of Elden Ring files. To do so, follow the below steps. Launch the game and check if the problem is fixed or not.

7] Update the Game

The last thing you can try is to ensure that you are using the latest version of the game. Elden Ring is a popular game; thus, developers will not take long to fix any issue around it. Therefore, download the latest update of the game to fix the mentioned issue. Here’s how to do it. Wait until the update is installed. Once done, launch the game, and you will see that you are no longer facing the problem.

What causes Elden Ring flickering black screen boxes issue?

The main reason behind the flickering black screen boxes issue is the outdated graphics card driver. Also, corrupted game files, outdated Windows, in-game overlay features, and Xbox game bar can be the main reason triggering the problem. Outdated game is another main reason behind the flickering issue. Read Next: Mass Effect Legendary Edition is freezing or crashing on startup on PC.

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