Event ID 7031 or 7034 error when user logs off

Let’s take a look at a typical scenario where you can encounter these errors. You have a device that’s running Windows 11/10 and you have an application or device that runs under the per-user service model. You log off from the device and then log back on. In this scenario, you may intermittently receive a User log-off notification message from Winlogon. You may also see error events in the System log that resembles the following:

This Event ID 7031 0r 7034 error occurs because of changes in the way that Service Control Manager cleanly shuts down user services. Specifically, a code-handling session shutdown may terminate a process early. To work around this issue, exit all open applications and connections before you log off or restart the system. Microsoft is currently investigating this issue. Read next: A Service does not start error with Event ID 7000, 7011, 7009.