EULAlyzer EULA analyzer software for PC

Have you ever wondered that skipping out the software EULA can be risky? These agreements contain highly important information like the software’s intentions and its bundled components. It is always advisable to read that information or at least the important parts and that’s where EULAlyzer can help you. EULAlyzer is a EULA analyzer software to help you analyze your software license agreements by picking out the important words and phrases you need to know and which actually makes sense too.

EULAlyzer will keep you well-informed about the software you are installing, like whether it will show pop-up ads or maybe transfer your personal information, track your online history through unique identifiers or what not! Now, that is some tricky stuff which you really need to know before installing any piece of software on your computer. EULAlyzer’s job is to extract useful information out of the lengthy and complicated license agreements. Following are the categories in which EULAlyzer identifies and classifies the most important information in a given document, further dividing the results according to the ‘Interest Level’ of the software user:

TrackingAdvertisingThird-Party or Additional Software installationData CollectionPrivacy-Related ConcernsExternal Agreements By Reference (in case, included)Potential Suspicious ClausesAnd many others..

To start using it, simply click on the option ‘Scan new license agreement on the home screen of the software, paste the agreement text on the next screen and click on ‘Analyze’. Within seconds, EULAlyzer will display results (as shown in the screen below), categorized and further classified according to the interest level. Another big advantage of this software is that you can save the agreements and the analysis results, as a database.

An additional and important feature of EULAlyzer is the EULA Research Center which can be accessed by users to submit the license agreements they scanned, anonymously. This way they improve the software by becoming a part of making this very useful software even more efficient and effective.

EULAlyzer download

So, from this point onwards, start analyzing your EULAs, by downloading EULAlyzer here. Do note that this software does not provide any legal advice. It only highlights information which you might want to consider before making any of your own decision, i.e. whether or not to agree to a license agreement. It is always suggested to consult a lawyer (or other authorized individuals) for seeking advice on any software legal issues.