How to  enable  RDP for multiple users on windows 11

After understanding the requirement of any company, you may deploy the device at different locations. some are in office sites and easily accessible and some are in remote locations. All those devices have different brands and they may have different operating systems. Managing such networks is a challenging job for an IT administrator and Remote Desktop Connection makes your work easy. Use the following methods to enable Remote Desktop Connection on Windows 11. Let’s discuss these methods to enable Remote Desktop Connection.

1] Use RDP Wrapper Library

RDP Wrapper Library is a free open-source GitHub project that works as an intermediate between Remote Desktop Service and Service Control Manager(SCM). It allows users to make multiple RDP sessions on Windows 11 and you can also configure the RDP server on Windows Home editions without teasing the ‘termsrv.dll’ file. For simultaneous connection, RDP Wrapper Library loads the termsrv.dll library with updated parameters. It should be better for you to check the unpatched termsrv.dll file before installing RDP Wrapper Library. Let’s enable RDP Wrapper Libary using the following steps.

Download the RDP Wrapper Library from the contents of the zip file.

Right-click on “install.bat” and select Run as administrator.Hit on ‘RDPConfig.exe’ to open RDP Wrapper Configuration and complete the installation process.

It has been seen that after installation of RDP Wrapper, it shows, it is running, but it is not working on Windows 10 (ver. 10.0.19041.1320).

Download the rdpwrap.ini file’s current version on your computer from the downloaded file, select all content from there, hit Ctrl+ C, open file explorer, go to C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.ini file, and paste all the copied contents.Reboot the computer.Hit on ‘RDPConfig.exe’ to open ‘RDP Wrapper Configuration.’ Verify if all items are green in the Diagnostics section.Hit on ‘RDPCheck.exe’ to open a secondary RDP session or connect multiple RDP sessions from your remote computers.

Hopefully, this will do the trick for you. 2] Modify termsrv.dll Using HEX Editor

The next and most effective solution for enabling multiple remote desktop connections on Windows 11 computers is to modify the termsrv.dll file. Follow the prescribed solution to enable RDP on your computer.

Back up the termserv.dll file before modifying it.Press Windows +R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open the Command Prompt as an administrator.Enter the following command in the Command Prompt to create a backup.

To give ownership to the local administrator, run this command

After successful completion, you will see the following SUCCESS message.

“c:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll” is now owned by the administrator group.

To allow the local administrators group with Full Control permissions for the termsrv.dll file using the icacls.exe, run this:

After completing the operation successfully, you will see the following message:

Terminate Remote Desktop Services (TermService) with the services.msc console. You can also run the following command:

To know the Windows version and build number, open PowerShell and run the following command:

Download a HEX editor software of your choice for example Registry Explorer and Install it.Launch the ‘termsrv.dll’ file with HEX editor software. This Tiny Hexer editor is incapable of altering ‘termsvr.dll’ files from the system32 folder, so you have to copy it to your Desktop, to make alteration.According to your Windows version and build, you need to find the following string.

Now you should replace that string with the following string.

Finally, save the file, and run TermService. 3] Patch termsrv.dll With PowerShell Script If your requirement of using Multiple Remote Desktop Connections is not resolved by modifying the termsrv.dll file manually using a HEX editor then you can use the following PowerShell script. Let’s patch the termsrv.dll file with the help of a PowerShell Script.

Copy the following code and paste it into a Notepad file.

Save this file with extension .ps1 (for example: TermsRdpPatch.ps1).To alter the PowerShell execution policy settings for the present session, run the following PowerShell command:

Hit on ‘termsrv_rdp_patch.ps1’ to run the script.

Make sure that you manually edit the termsrv.dll file every time after updating the Windows. This will do the trick for you. 4] Modify the Local Group Policies We have one more method by which we can enable remote desktop connection and it is the Local Group Policy. We can also enable remote desktop connection by modifying group policy. Let’s modify the Local Group Policy.

Press the Windows + RWrite gpedit.msc in the RUN dialog box and hit enter to open the Local Group Policy Editor panel.Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections.Click on the ‘Restrict Remote Desktop Services’ user and change it to a single ‘Remote Desktop Services’ session policy and set it to Disabled.Click on the ‘Limit number of connections’ policy. The default state is ‘Not Configured.’ Select the Enabled radio button to enable the counter menu of ‘RD Maximum Connections’ permitted in the ‘Options’ section.Set the ‘RD Maximum Connections’ permitted to 999999.Click on OK to save the changes and Restart Windows.

After making these changes your RDP session is configured for multiple users. So, as you can see, you can easily enable multiple concurrent users in Remote Desktop using any of the aforementioned methods. If you don’t want to download a third-party app or use a batch file, your best option is to configure the Group Policy of Restrict Remote Desktop Services, however, alternate methods are there to give you options.  

Enable RDP for multiple users on Windows 11 - 71Enable RDP for multiple users on Windows 11 - 56