Automatic Proxy Result Cache

Automatic Proxy Result Cache is a performance enhancement that Microsoft added to Internet Explorer. The aim of this cache is to reduce the client-side processing of the automatic proxy configuration script. When you connect to an Internet site, the FindProxyForURL function is used to determine whether a proxy should be used and which proxy to use. Thus, this process makes the browser lag a bit and is not worth using at times, until you visit proxy sites.

On the other hand, if the proxy that is cached at the moment, is not available while establishing a connection in future attempts, you may receive The page can’t be displayed error. Now let us see what would happen if we disable this. When you deactivate Automatic Proxy Caching, the browser will follow client-side processing, which could speed up page loading in the browser. Thus, this change will impact browser performance, depending on the logic of the Automatic Proxy Configuration Script used and its size. Here are simple registry steps you can follow to achieve this:

Disable or Enable Automatic Proxy Caching

  1. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put regedit in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate here:

  3. In the right pane of this window, create a new DWORD by right click and select New -> DWORD Value. Name this newly created DWORD as EnableAutoproxyResultCache and double click on the same to get this:

  4. In the above-shown window, input the Value data as 0 to disable Automatic Proxy Caching. Click OK. If you again want to enable Automatic Proxy Caching, just delete the DWORD we created in the previous step to restore the default behavior. You may now close the Registry Editor and reboot the machine to get results. Let us know if you find any benefits in this.