WallpaperHub hosts various fan art wallpapers for the users to download free, and they have been made available by Michael Gillett, a Windows Insider MVP, who said-

Download official & unofficial Microsoft wallpapers

Some of the major device oriented categories at WallpaperHub are:

Surface BookSurface GoSurface ColoursSurface Studio (Mountains)Surface Hub 2 (Water)Surface Hub 2 (Surf)Surface StudioSurface Hub.

And some of the fan arts inspired by Windows include the following:

Betta FishNinja Cat Unicorn Windows 10 HeroNinja Cat Unicorn BlissDragonFluent Background (inspired by Microsoft’s Fluent Design System)Neon (inspired from early information revealed about Project Neon).

There are many such categories to get the best wallpaper as per your needs. And you can even get these wallpapers downloaded together grouped as a category. TIP: Download Windows 11 wallpapers in exciting colors for your PC. One the top right corner there is a toggle to switch on and off the Dark Theme based User Interface. This is one of the most requested features by the users of the Windows platform. It is worth noting that it is not an ordinary website and is soon going to be a Progressive Web App and that too inspired by Microsoft’s Fluent Design System for Websites. We hoped that this awesome website comes to the Microsoft Store soon. Until then why don’t you look up for some wallpapers for yourself here at wallpaperhub.app.