Why has my Discord account been disabled?

There are various reasons why your Discord account could have been disabled. We have mentioned them below:

How to recover a disabled Discord account?

If your account is blocked due to any reason, you can take the following steps to appeal and recover your Discord account: Let’s get started.

1] Access Discord Support

Once you know the reason behind the said error, you can either use the help center or use the email ID ([email protected]) to contact the Discord support team. This way, you can get your account back in a maximum of 24-48 hours.

2] Submit an appeal

If you are pretty sure that the reason behind your account being blocked is invalid or it seems that there were no apparent reasons, then you can always submit an appeal to restore your account. Here’s how to do the same: Once done, you have to wait for some time for the reply. Depending upon the reason behind the issue, it may take a day or a week to retain your account.

3] Contact the social media team

Apart from their Help center, there are other means through which you can contact the Discord team. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Reddit, and @Discord on Twitter are one of them. If you want you can hit them up with your issues, and they will guide you through the process. Hopefully, you will be able to get back your disabled Discord account. Read: How to transfer ownership of a Discord server to someone else

What’s the difference between Deleted and Disabled account?

There’s a lot of confusion circulating among Discord users. Many users are unaware of the difference between deleting and disabling a Discord account. Deleting and disabling an account is an entirely different thing. Don’t get confused between these two. Once you delete your account, you can’t get it back. In such cases, users have to make a new account. On the other hand, if you chose to disable your account, then you can retrieve it whenever you want to.

Discord account disabled for no reason

Usually, Discord doesn’t disable your account for no reason, maybe the content that you are posting is demeaning and objectionable as per the community guideline issued by Discord. Harassing, reporting other users for no reason, and spreading viruses are some of the factors that can get your account disabled. So make sure that none of the content is questionable.

Discord account disabled for suspicious activity

Generally, Discord disables accounts on the basis of violating their terms, and community guidelines. However, in case your account was disabled because of a ban wave, there is a high chance that it was falsely flagged. In this case, Discord is removing all the false flags, and you will be able to log in after some time.

Discord account disabled for spamming

More often than not, Discord disables users’ accounts on the basis of spamming, or platform abuse.  Many users spam the discord chat by sending a large number of messages in a short period of time and therefore get flagged by Discord’s anti-abuse measures. If your account gets disabled then you can contact the support team via their help center or through their email. You can also look up their Twitter or Facebook page. However, if none of these works, then you can submit an appeal, scroll up, and check how to do the same.

Discord account disabled for chargeback

When you appear for a refund regarding a purchase made using PayPal, Discord can disable your account as it goes against the  Discord TOS. However, you can go to: support.discord.com/ and make an appeal. You need to answer some questions and get your refund and account back.

Discord account disabled for age

As mentioned earlier, Discord has a certain age limit for its users. If you are below the Discord age limit as per guidelines issued by your country (to know the age limit, scroll up and go to the link to know the age limits). So, if you are below the age limits, there is nothing you can do, if there is some sort of mistake, you can contact Discord support and get it resolved.

Discord account disabled no Email sent

If your Discord account was disabled and no email was sent to you by their team, contact the Discord support team or raise an appeal. Make sure that you are not violating any community guidelines and are not underage. They will communicate with you and get your issue resolved. Also read: Can’t join Discord Server

Is a disabled Discord account permanently?

If your Discord account was disabled, it would be back after a certain period of time, as your account is not removed but suspended. However, if your account was banned, it is permanent and can only be resolved by communicating with customer support and raising an appeal.

Can I get my Discord account back after being disabled?

Discord will only retrieve your account if it was wrongfully banned, if your activity goes against the community guidelines, there is little to no chance that your account will be retrieved. If you are actually innocent, raise an appeal or contact Discord, hopefully, your issue will be resolved. Read: Can’t Login to Discord? Fix Discord login problems.

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