Enable Biometrics Sign In on Windows 11/10 joined to a Domain

I recommended you create a System Restore Point. This is because while doing these types of modifications, there are chances that something breaks on the software side of your computer. Or, if you do not have any habit to make a system restore point, I would really encourage you to create one frequently.

1] Using Registry Editor

Hit the WINKEY + R button combination to launch the Run utility, type in regedit and hit Enter. Once Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following key- Now, right click on the right side panel and click on New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Set the name of this newly created DWORD as Domain Accounts. Double click on the newly created DWORD and set its value as 1 This will Allow Domain Users Sign In to Windows 10 Using Biometrics. A value of 0 Disables Domain Users Sign In to Windows 10 Using Biometrics. Exit the Registry Editor and then Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

2] Using Group Policy Editor

Hit the WINKEY + R button combination to launch the Run utility, type in gpedit.msc and hit Enter. Once Group Policy Editor opens, navigate to the following setting- Now, on the right side panel and double click on the following entries and set the radio button to Enabled for all of them,

Allow the use of Biometrics.Allow users to log on using Biometrics.Allow domain users to log on using biometrics.

Exit the Group Policy Editor and then reboot your computer for the changes to take effect. This will enable the setting. Cheers!