Difference between Tracking Protection and InPrivate Filtering in IE

What is Tracking Protection?

Tracking Protection gives users the ability to control what third-party site content can track them when they are online. The user uses lists called Tracking Protection List which contains web addresses (Google.com for example) that the browser will be allowed to visit only if the user visits them directly by clicking on a link or typing the address. By limiting the calls to the websites and resources from the current web page and from other web pages, the Tracking Protection List limits the information these other sites can collect about you.

What is InPrivate Filtering/Blocking and InPrivate Browsing Mode?

InPrivate Blocking is used to give the user the option of choosing what information to share as well as allowing you to block sites and content, such as ads. When InPrivate Browsing is enabled cookies are not stored, existing cookies can still be read, new history entries are not stored, form data is not stored and temporary internet files are deleted after InPrivate Browsing is closed. With the release of IE9 RC, InPrivate Filtering is no longer available and Tracking  Protection List has taken its place.

Does Tracking Protection replace InPrivate Browsing?

No! While Tracking Protection and InPrivate are similar in some ways they each have features unique to them. InPrivate is a very secure way of browsing when InPrivate is activated and once the browser is closed it disabled itself. Tracking Protection once activated will enable users to subscribe to a list of sites and content to block.

Which one should I use?

While Tracking Protection with a good Tracking Protection list installed should work for most users, if there are deeper privacy concerns you can run in InPrivate Mode with Tracking Protection List enabled as well.