Dictionary Extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Opera

I will provide you with the list which you are looking for. If you are not sure of which one to use for your browser and what features it has, then you need to look into the list.

1. The Free Dictionary For Firefox and Chrome

The Free Dictionary is available for Mozilla and Chrome browsers. It is also available for Windows, iOS and Android mobiles. This is one of the best dictionary extensions as finding the words is very easy. Just double-click on the word for which you want the meaning and it takes you to The Free Dictionary Website. You can even select the word and click on the browser extension to find the meaning. It provides you with the pronunciation and can find the synonyms of the selected word. Get it here.

2. Urban Dictionary for Chrome & Firefox

Urban Dictionary is available as two extensions for Mozilla Firefox web browser. One Extension will be added to the list of search engines. So, when you enter any word in the search bar, then from the dropdown select the Urban Dictionary and you are taken to the website to show the meaning of the word. Another extension called Urban Dictionary Tooltip where you can select the word and you need to select the Urban Dictionary in the context menu to get the meaning of the selected word. The meaning will be shown in the pop-up without leaving the window and with both extensions of Firefox, you can even share the word.

Urban Dictionary Search for Chrome adds an icon to your browser toolbar. Click on the icon, enter the word and you would see the meaning shown as a pop-up and no need to leave the window. Also Read: Google Dictionary Extension for Google Chrome

3. Dictionary Anywhere for Firefox and Opera

Dictionary Anywhere is available for Mozilla and Opera. To find the meaning of a word, just double-click on the word and click on the icon on the browser toolbar. It displays the meaning of the word along with some options like translate, share via email, pronunciation, synonyms and more. Sharing the word on social media is also possible with this extension.

4. Dictionary.com for Mozilla Firefox

Dictionary.com is well known as one of the best websites for finding the meanings of words. Now, this is also available as an extension for Mozilla. Just add it to your Mozilla browser and double-click on the word. Meaning is shown in a pop-up box and an audio icon is shown to hear the word. It provides you with the More link, which when clicked will take you to the website. Other browser users can use the Dictionary.com bookmarklet.

5. GoodWordGuide.com for Chrome

GoodWordGuide.com is said to be the best dictionary extension for Chrome. As other dictionary extensions for browsers, this extension also shows the meaning when you double-click on the word, but it is configurable.

You can let it show the meaning when you select a word or a phrase. You can even choose the trigger key and also set the font size if you want. If I have missed your favorite browser dictionary extension, please do share in the comments. Read: Best Chrome extensions to install.