However not all the suggestions may be correct and one may waste a lot of time by accidentally revisiting a wrong predicted site which you didn’t intend to visit. Also one may not prefer the autocomplete suggestions to show up to other guest users like family and friends who use your computer to access the internet. In this article, we explain how to delete the autocomplete URL suggestions that you no longer use as well as show how to turn off Chrome URL AutoComplete suggestions completely.

Delete all the autocomplete suggestions that you no longer use

As mentioned earlier, Autocomplete suggestions are useful to quickly revisit your favorite sites. However, if the algorithm shows up some sites which you no longer use, one has to clear the browsing data in order to stop the chrome suggesting the site which you don’t use anymore. Open the Chrome Browser and navigate to Settings. Click on Privacy and Security. Click on Clear Browsing data.

One can choose to erase everything or erase data for the last 24hrs or for All time. Make your selection and press Clear data.

Delete individual URL autocomplete suggestion

Open the Chrome Browser and go to History. Or in a new tab, you may simply press CTRL+H.

Select the websites you no longer want to visit and click on Remove selected items. One can also delete the selected autocomplete suggestion quickly by hovering the cursor over the prediction query you no longer use in the address bar and click on Shift +Delete keys.

Turn off Chrome URL Autocomplete suggestions

Open Chrome > Settings > Privacy and security. Before you proceed, know that you can also turn on or off Autofill here.

Select Sync and Google services > Other Google services > Auto-complete searches and URLs.

Toggle the switch as per your preference. That’s all. Read next: Enable, disable Autocomplete & Inline AutoComplete in Explorer & IE.