Increase the Battery life of Phones

Turn on Battery Saver

Battery Saver mode tries to consume minimum power (when kept on) by turning off some features running in the background and increasing the battery life. Power Saver mode stops updating the live tiles, closes those apps that are running in the background, and stops automatic syncing of mail and calendar. To turn on Battery Saver, Go to settings, tap Battery saver, and then turn it on. Battery Saver mode normally gets activated with the battery life falls below 20%, but it can be manually turned on anytime.

Turn off Background Tasks

Along with the apps in the multitasking panel, there are a few that are running in the background which consumes a lot of battery. Turning off any of these apps that you do not require will dramatically increase the battery life. Tip: Apps like Angry Birds: Star Wars or Nokia Drive consume a lot of battery power so turn them off when not in use.

Turn off Bluetooth, WiFi and NFC

Most support Bluetooth sharing of files so keeping the Bluetooth turned on all the time will drain the battery. Also, when the Bluetooth is turned on the phone constantly checks for available accessories that lead to an unnecessary drain of the battery. Similarly, when the WiFi is turned on it keeps on checking for the available networks and notifies you. So it recommended keeping the WiFi turned off when not in use. I’m not sure if NFC maintains the battery life when turned off, but from my personal experience it did work out.

Keep a dark background theme

The only native customization available on your Phone is the Dark (Black) and Light (White) theme. Using either of the themes does affect the battery life especially if you have a Super AMOLED display. So it is recommended to use the dark background theme for your phone.

Keep low brightness

The automatic brightness level may sometimes keep the brightness high unnecessarily resulting in greater use of the battery. So it is recommended to turn off automatically adjust and select the brightness levels manually as per the ambiance.

Keep Cellular data connection turned off whenever, not in use

Using a cellular data connection (HSDPA or LTE) uses a lot of battery. The battery level falls too often when the internet is in use. Almost all the Phones have balanced battery life for HSDPA, but LTE data use maximum battery life. So it is recommended to keep the data connection whenever not needed.

Manually synchronize e-mails

Phones synchronize the email accounts in the background after some time interval to check for new mails. The synchronization takes up some amount of battery juice every time and this results in a decrease in, battery life. To prevent this, the email accounts should be manually synchronized to check for new mails or the time interval between the two synchronizations should be increased. Let us know if you have any additional tips on how to enhance battery on your Phone. Go here if you are looking for tips to conserve Battery Power and Extend or Prolong Battery Life in Windows PC.