Adobe Reader Command Line Parameters

/n Start a separate instance of Acrobat or Adobe Reader, even if one is currently open./s Suppress the splash screen/o Suppress the open file dialog box./h Start Acrobat or Adobe Reader in a minimized window/sAll Silent Mode for product/sPB Silent Mode with Progress Bar for product/rs Reboot Suppress/rps Reboot Prompt Suppress/ini “PATH” Alternative initialization file/sl “LANG_ID” Set Language; LANG_ID – Code in decimal digits/l Enable Error Logging /msi[Command line] Parameters for MSIEXEC


AcroRd32.exe /p pathname — Start Adobe Reader and display the Print dialog box.AcroRd32.exe /t path “printername” “drivername” “portname” —  Start Adobe Reader and print a file while suppressing the Print dialog box. The path must be fully specified.

The four parameters of the /t option evaluate to path, printername, drivername, and portname (all strings).

printername — The name of your printer.drivername — Your printer driver’s name, as it appears in your printer’s properties.portname — The printer’s port. portname cannot contain any “/” characters; if it does, the output is routed to the default port for that printer.

Using these parameters you can perform large-scale deployment of Adobe Reader X. You can also download this PDF for more information on Deploying Adobe Reader.