Download free eBooks legally

To those who are searching for websites to legally download free eBooks, this article would be of high help. So, here is the list of websites you are looking for.

1. Book Boon

Book Boon provides you the textbooks of IT and Programming, Natural Sciences, Career & Study Advice and many more along with the Business books for free. If you are looking for any of those eBooks, then Book Boon is for you. It does not require any registration and it is advised to subscribe to the newsletter to download the required eBook.

2. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg provides you with eBooks of many genres. It has tons of books and can be downloaded for free. It provides you eBooks in the form of PDF, EPUB, Kindle and audiobooks where ever needed. By default, it provides you the list of the top 100 eBooks and you can even search based on author, category or name. It is always advised to visit this website daily to get an idea of the latest eBooks that were uploaded.

3. Free eBooks

This website provides you free eBooks under various categories like audiobooks, children books, fiction and non-fiction, Sci-fi Fantasy, religious and many more. It also allows you to create books online. In order to download eBooks for free from this website, it is mandatory to register and it is free. It shows you the featured eBooks on the home page and if you want, you can search by title or author.

4. Many Books

Many Books provides you the way to choose the eBook by a number of downloads. eBooks of this website supports iPad, Kindle and many other eReaders. Once you select the book, you can prefer the downloadable format based on your convenience. Using recommendations you can even browse through the website and it is one of the reputed sources of eBooks.

5. Open Library

Open Library provides you with millions of free eBooks. Users can even contribute to the catalog and it is a sort of open project. Some books can also be borrowed and read. It has eBooks of tons of genres. It also suggests the books you need to read. It is something like borrowing, read and exploring.

Extra Tip: Google Books also provides you with some eBooks for free and some of them need to be bought. As Google Books is known to many, I did not add it to the list. Let me know if I missed your favorite website.